Corso di arrampicata San Vito Lo Capo

30 November 2015

Eccoci arrivati (…o di ritorno) a San Vito Lo Capo, meta ormai rinomata per la qualitá della roccia e dell’arrampicata. Questa volta sono con un’intera famiglia (più amici) che mette 3 generazioni a confronto!!! Dai 26 ai 85 anni!!! Ebbene si! C’è chi si mantiene in forma. Il Sole e il mare non possono che metterci di buon umore e promettere bene per la settimana! Buone scalate a tutti e… vi aspettiamo nei nostri corsi “itineranti” in giro per il mondo!

#teamCTclimb; #Millet; #Scarpa; #Barolisport


Everything reported on this website, including the attachments, are aimed at sharing useful and reliable information to tackle climbs, ski mountaineering, off-piste trips, waterfalls and anything else the mountains have to offer in the safest possible way. This means that every mountaineer and mountain lover can leave for an adventure properly prepared. We are always available for any further clarification and advice, but we cannot act for you and often we will not be present during your trips.
Therefore, it will remain your responsibility to evaluate the conditions of the mountains at any given moment, which, depending on the weather, can change suddenly.
You will therefore need to know how to assess the terrain around you whilst in the mountains, utilizing your experience and knowledge to make the necessary decisions in order to progress on your climb.

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